I’m excited to announce that my novel The Underachiever has been published by the New York-based publisher Spuyten Duyvil!
Read MoreThe Underachiever - A Novel

I’m excited to announce that my novel The Underachiever has been published by the New York-based publisher Spuyten Duyvil!
Read MoreEste mes de abril de 2024, Valparaíso Ediciones tuvo el honor de presentar "El individuo y su ceniza", el primer poemario del poeta costarricense Pablo Saborío. Publicado por una editorial de renombre internacional con delegaciones en España, Colombia y Estados Unidos, el libro está ahora disponible en librerías a lo largo de España y puede adquirirse también a través del sitio web: https://valparaisoediciones.es/tienda/poesia/832-401-el-individuo-y-su-ceniza.html
Pablo Saborío, quien reside en Copenhague, Dinamarca, es un artista multidisciplinario cuya poesía ha sido reconocida en numerosas revistas literarias internacionales incluyendo Columbia Journal, Conduit, Posit, DASH, y West Trade Review. Además, Saborío contribuye en el ámbito literario como editor de poesía de la revista Red Door Magazine.
El libro, "El individuo y su ceniza", se presenta como una exploración profunda y meditativa del ser. Ángela García, poeta laureada y ganadora del XXI Premio Casa de América de Poesía Americana, describe la obra como un intento de desentrañar el viaje ontológico sin depender de coordenadas geográficas ni temporales. García resalta la capacidad de Saborío de aproximarse a temas trascendentales "sin llegar a la cumbre", disfrutando del proceso de búsqueda y la constante exploración del laberinto de la vida.
El poemario abarca temas de introspección y contemplación universal, reflejados en poemas como "Insaciable", "Qué sería nunca llegar" y "Del arte", donde Saborío utiliza su voz única para invitar a los lectores a una reflexión sobre la naturaleza efímera de la vida.
En un gesto de celebración por este lanzamiento, invitamos a todas las instituciones y medios de comunicación a promocionar "El individuo y su ceniza" en sus redes y considerar la organización de eventos en los que Pablo Saborío podría presentar su obra en persona. Este lanzamiento no sólo marca un momento significativo en la carrera de Saborío sino también en el panorama literario tanto costarricense como hispanohablante.
Para más información sobre el libro, entrevistas con el autor, o detalles sobre eventos, por favor contacte al autor por email outoforbit (at) gmail (dot) com
Photo by Kristian Ryberg Johansen
A poetry compilation of the first international gathering of Nordic publishers, cultural organizers, translators and performers under the name of "Red Thread", with the intention of forming an alliance and strengthening our network for the documentation of multimedia art in translation to and from Nordic languages and minority languages in the Nordic countries.
My second solo exhibition at Red Door Gallery runs from September 16th to October 9th, 2021.
Address: Møllegade 23 A, kld. tv, 2200 Kbh N..
Vernissage: September 16th, from 16:00 - 19:00
From the event’s description:
Red Door presents THE COLOR OF UNCERTAINTY, featuring the latest works by Costa Rican-Danish artist Pablo Saborío.
After a period of unrest, isolation and existential uncertainty, Saborío wrestled with the darkness of his mind to create new works that explore the potency of color as a means of achieving catharsis – the purification of emotions through art, which culminated in a sense of renewal.
The works exhibited feature pulsating fields of dynamic frenzy while simultaneously (and paradoxically) being in a state of composure. Saborío utilizes different mediums such as paper pulp, ink, acrylics, and wood on acrylic glass to create stunning effects.
These are some of Saborío’s ‘last paintings’ before he transitioned toward video poetics, a merging of experimental video art and poetic discourse.
THE COLOR OF UNCERTAINTY will also feature a display of many of Saborío’s video productions.
Beer, wine and refreshments will be served for the opening.
Pablo Saborío is a Costa Rica-born artist and poet based in Copenhagen, Denmark. This will be his 5th solo exhibition in Denmark since 2015 and his second solo exhibition at Red Door Gallery, after RETURN TO SOURCE (2016).
Thank you for such a warm and enthusiastic opening to ‘The Unknown is Shining’.
The exhibitions runs until January 27, 2020 at Der Kaiser is Tot - det frie galleri.
Amager Boulevard 127
Copenhagen 2300
Contact: (Theo Lyngby M: 5080 4841)
(Photos by: Kristian Ryberg Johansen)
I’m delighted to have a solo exhibition ‘The Unknown is Shining’ at Der Kaiser is tot - det frie galleri in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Opening December 14th, 2019.
3pm - 6pm
Amager Boulevard 127
2300, Copenhagen
Here is a link to FB even: https://www.facebook.com/events/813938389067041/
Attempt at sustainable and environmentally-friendly art.
Read MoreNew works by Pablo Saborío
Read MoreArtwork in 2018 by Pablo Saborío
Read MoreFall of meaning (2017)
Ink of paper
Culture Night Copenhagen
Photo by Kristian Ryberg Johansen
Photo by Kristian Ryberg Johansen
Immersive art experiences, performance, live music, food, DJs and more on October 13th, 2017 in Carlsberg Byen's former Maskincentralen (old power plant) building, now a new cultural center in Copenhagen.
I will be showcasing a large paper installation titled 'Fall of Meaning'.
Photo by Kristian Ryberg Johansen
Many have come here before to ask the question. They marveled at the columns and the noise. The incessant murmur of structure emerging within and around itself. They viewed everything as process, energy evolving and dissolving. This is such a time when boundaries and definitions return to a shapeless condition. It is not in vain that you ask for the meaning of meaning. To wonder why colors are glued to one another in orgasmic combinations, why the universe seems so fragile and poetic.
Now, we can approach this in two mutually exclusive ways. You have the power to construct a language around everything you see. Or you can enter this experience without the aid of interpretation. This juncture is vital. Taking the first road will have you walk through life as an atom bouncing off the shells of endless situations. Taking the second road will produce a dance, a field where experience makes ripples similar to illusion traveling through the infinite surface of a dream.
Here is a doorstep and below a gigantic void. The leap is not escapism, but recognition of the futility of narratives that create and re-create themselves without our control. We can move calmly into the unknown; allowing everything to lose its identity and dissolve back into a dream-like cosmos.
Painting displayed at ‘Dissolve in Cosmos’ exhibition 2017, at Blaa Galleri.
On June 16th, I will hold my 3rd solo exhibition at Blaa Galleri.
When: June 16 – June 29
Blågårdsgade 29, 2200 København
Most of the works are painted on glass or in between glass panels, capturing a slice of time of the cosmic flow.
FB Event: www.facebook.com/events/1413503048706881
I will be exhibiting together with my collective SPACE at Carlsberg Byen on June 2nd.
Visit Overwhelming Space for more info.
Group Exhibition 2017. Photo by Kristian Ryberg Johansen
Thanks to Not Random Art for accepting my submission and publishing an interview and some of my art in their April issue of The Contemporary Art Review.
Find the interview here (p. 150 - 159).
Glad to be Featured Artist at Red Door Magazine.
Follow my art creation process at the Pablo Saborio Art Page on Facebook.
The page is dedicated to the process of creating new art forms and gathering inspiration from everyday life.
Statement for solo exhibition Pablo Saborio's Return to Source (Oct 22nd - Nov 22nd) at Red Door.
We have reached a point where we no longer have experiences. We conceptualize every experience; we interpret and define what is happening at all times. We are, as it were, jumping from concept to concept rather than from experience to experience. Our reality has become an island of thought and we have forgotten the immensity of silence that lies beyond the shores of thinking.
Return to Source is a challenge to this mode of existing; a reminder that prior to language and thought, there is awareness.
All the works for Return to Source are titled ‘In Silentio’ (in silence).
People are invited to experience the art without the aid of concepts or interpretation.
Photos by Zoë Naseef