A solo exhibition by Pablo Saborío
BLAA GALLERI | June 16th – 29th
Many have come here before to ask the question. They marveled at the columns and the noise. The incessant murmur of structure emerging within and around itself. They viewed everything as process, energy evolving and dissolving. This is such a time when boundaries and definitions return to a shapeless condition. It is not in vain that you ask for the meaning of meaning. To wonder why colors are glued to one another in orgasmic combinations, why the universe seems so fragile and poetic.
Now, we can approach this in two mutually exclusive ways. You have the power to construct a language around everything you see. Or you can enter this experience without the aid of interpretation. This juncture is vital. Taking the first road will have you walk through life as an atom bouncing off the shells of endless situations. Taking the second road will produce a dance, a field where experience makes ripples similar to illusion traveling through the infinite surface of a dream.
Here is a doorstep and below a gigantic void. The leap is not escapism, but recognition of the futility of narratives that create and re-create themselves without our control. We can move calmly into the unknown; allowing everything to lose its identity and dissolve back into a dream-like cosmos.
Painting displayed at ‘Dissolve in Cosmos’ exhibition 2017, at Blaa Galleri.